Organizing coalition and petition

Three organizations initially joined together as a coalition to submit a petition to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (see petition here) requesting that the court hear this case on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change. The court later requested a full list of steering group members and of the attorneys and experts who testified. The initiating organizations were:



  • The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, Gianni Tognoni, MD, Secretary General, selected the panel of ten judges to conduct the Tribunal and hear the cases presented by attorneys and others. The PPT reviewed all submitted written and oral testimony, deliberated, and issued its final Advisory Opinion on April 12, 2019. The Opinion is available here.

Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Headquarters
Fondazione Lelio Basso Sezione Internazionale
Via della Dogana Vecchia
5 – 00186 Rome, Italy

  • donated a year’s subscription to its conferencing software and technical support for planning and conducting the plenary Sessions online and for the judges to use in their deliberations in the months following.