My life has been shattered by fracking

After living on our ranch for 30 years, enjoying clean air and fresh water, multi-stage, high-pressure horizontal fracking began in our neighbourhood in 2010. We do not have any oil and gas wells on our property; however, we are downwind of intensive development. Since that time, my appearance, my health, my happiness and my hopes for the future have all been shattered. We have lost livestock due to mysterious effects, we have experienced high lead and very high sodium in our previously pristine water, and we have experienced damaging earth tremors. I have had extreme hair loss, extreme nosebleeds and high levels of strontium and uranium diagnosed in my body. I have had effects on my kidneys. Neighbours have experienced similar effects as well as detached retinas, diabetes, rare cancers and asthmatic effects. Many have moved away; others are afraid to stand up due to possible retaliation. Our cattle waterers no longer host healthy algal populations but are clear. Many affected have signed non-disclosure agreements in return for provision of water. Constructive ideas have been submitted to Government with little or no response. Huge amounts of methane and other aerosols continue to be emitted by wells, compressor stations and storage tanks. Proper water and health studies in fracked areas have not been completed by our Government agencies.

Name: Nielle Hawkwood
